Friday, May 23, 2008

Its Chennai time again :-)

A year away form home (excluding the long and short visits inbetween), and never realised for what specific reasons Chennai is indeed dear to me... leave alone family and friends, leave alone home, school and college buildings... Chennai has been dear old city for other reasons too. Back here, back on work, back on Chennai roads, lanes and pits, I recollect what has brought back the Chennai spirit in me :)

1) Tamil - so used to turning my head at every single tamil word i hear in kgp, that it really means a lot when i hear more of it, and at times only that :) (inba then vandhu paayudhu kaadhinile)

2) Bargaining with autorickshaw drivers - my core competency, skillset, talent, whatever that can be called. For those used to Chennai auto rates, bargaining and gettin the price to atleast 30 less than what he initially asks for, this is something thatgives you a feeling that you are back home :)

3) TRAFFIC - this is what has made me blog now. Struck for a year away in a small town, perhaps this is what i have missed the most... for what would otherwise take me 10 mins, 30 mins seemed long (no offenses meant for near and dear ones who travel for hours every day)

4) Local TV Channels - be it Sun TV, Kalaignar TV, Jaya TV war or SMS and Love Meters in Music Channels, 100 % entertainment guaranteed... :P

5) Eat-outs - CCD (tops it all). How i missed my dear old CCD, my fav sofa, my fav drink... (Thanks to dear friend Harini who makes sure we are there every weekend, and to current office being close to one, that its beecome a daily ritual too :P)

6) Flyovers - right form the ones that made traffic more, to ones which made roads narrower, from ones am used o for ages to ones that i saw for the 1st time, from ones that were to be completed years ago to ones that were to be started ages ago, flyovers make Chennai life go on the high :P

More and much more that just can't be fit in a blog post.. whatever be it, Chennai truely rocks!!!

- A proud Chennaite

P.S.: I made note of this in one fine traffic jam, rushed into office and blogged in a hurry. I invite fellow chennaites and fellow bloggers to add more for i know i left lot many :)


King Vishy said...

"Flyovers... high" - LoL..

I too often embark on a voyage to define Chennai.. I just love this city so much, I often wonder why.. havent found any answers yet.. In fact, last week whn i went to landmark, I resolved to write a book/photobook on Chennai at some time in my life :)

Some other symbols of Chennai:
- The beaches
- The sticky heat :(
- Chennai baashai.. not just normal Tamil..
- DAV uniforms :D
- The juice thallu vandis along GN Chetty Road. these guys appear with unfailing regularity summer after summer..
Lots more actually.. but in a hurry now.. cya!

Sriram Sundar Rajan said...

hey u left saravana bhavan..agreed it has branches all over the world, but nothing like base branch :)..