Friday, September 7, 2007

A verbal "Treat"

I owe more than a simple treat to all those ppl whom am gonna mention in the post below. Due to unavoidable reasons the simple form of gratitude called "Treat" stands postponed... but still i had to do something for them on this very same day, and hence this post.


"THANK YOU" or even "THANKS" would be too small a word, curse myself for my poor vocabulary, that i can find no substitute for an informal, and stronger version of the word, to express to people what i feel now. The joy of getting placed - as early as this, going home for one-fourth of my course, getting to do what i wanted to, and above all - getting thru the process called "Summer Placements" - all these were just for a few seconds... nothing went into my mind after i was crowded by people, too sweet at heart around me, celebrating every moment of my success.

Every single person who were worried that i wasn't serious, who were amazed that i was too cool, who were angry that i wasn't cramming Kotler as much as i should, who were jumping even for a mere shortlisting of resume, who were more tensed than me before my interview, who were fighting to be the first person to get to know how i did, who helped me out with small-small stuff (ironing my shirt - darling she was), who were there to call me before the interview and wish me luck, who were there to ping me online and wish i good luck, who were there to pray for me, who was there with me all through my interview (made me feel like mom was nearby), who was there to smile and convince that i am "In", who were all too eager to find out what happened in the interview, who were all sure (more than me) that i'll make it, who were as anxiously waiting for the results as i were (infact more), who were the 1st ones to know the final results (before me), who cam running along - bringing down the whole hostel, who were hugging me and were there for me at "the moment", who were there to surprise me with goodies, who were there to make me a star, who were there to wish me on my success, who were there to feel happy for me, who were there to keep thinking of me... GOD HAS BLESSED ME WITH WONDERFUL PEOPLE AROUND.

One month, and a bonding this strong - i just can't ask for more. BLESSED, ELATED, HAPPY, EXCITED, SPELLBOUND - are words which might not really fit in... in short I JUST HAV NO WORDS TO SAY.


Thank you all (Don't believe in thanks among friends, still i have no other word to replace this)... u all MADE MY DAY. Treat is on the way, this post is just a simple gesture of love and friendship. I wish and pray all these people, do much better in their interviews - summers and finals, and much better all through their lives and go places. Lets RULE THE WORLD!!!


Dewdrop said...

We are so happy for u dear :)

navita said...

v dnt say thnx to those whom v call as our frnds .....
u r our sweet gfrnd ... n v all r very very happy fr u ... :)
take care dear and
may you always get success in life ....

'Seen Around' said...

hey...those r very sweet words!...very happy..very pleasant..n quite touching indeed!..congrats again! ;-)

Monika said...

Dear Ramya,

It is so touching.....and I think there cannot be a better treat for us than this Verabal Treat of yours......we love you da .....and we are really very very happy and proud of u.God bless you!anyways don't be so happy that you are going to chennai alone as one of us surely will come to trouble u there........:-)Congratulations once again...and one more compliment you really write well......Monika

Serendipity said...

Congrats again honey and an awesome post :)

Unknown said...

awesome one sweetie... soo happy for u... al tis celebration has quenched only a part of al the excitement and happiness v experienced.. love u da... u rock... :)

Achilles said...

Hey Rams, being the first intern of our batch, and more than that being our sweetiepie u deserved all those. And when u cite so many incidents of spl treatement from many people , it only makes me feel unhappy that i could contribute only some. But im so happy for u. and no thnx required. We will be there with u in all r happy as well as sad moments.

doe said...

hey rammy
Congrats again!!!!

King Vishy said...

Hey congrats!!! Could feel the passion with which you wrote this! And you are the "first intern" of your batch eh? Congrats again! :)

So coming to our very own Madras-nalla-Madras for your internship na.. You are one lucky dame! :)

Bala said...

blog padichen....2 much senti :D..
coll first intern vera...u owe me a big treat..